I’ve decided to gather my university notes for easier consultation since they were useful for a lot of people (notes from foundations of telecommunications course were downloaded 2820 times!).
Published notes come from the bachelor of Software Engineering at Roma Tre University as well as from the master of Software Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
Of course errors will be present, so if you find any please tell me (a comment is fine), and I’ll try to correct them.
If you like my notes please consider buying me a beer (in person is even more appreciated :)), happy study!
ASD - Algoritmi e Strutture Dati
AM - Analisi Matematica
FDA - Fondamenti di Automatica
SSIR - Sicurezza dei Sistemi e delle Reti
TLC - Fondamenti di Telecomunicazioni
RC - Reti di Calcolatori
SO - Sistemi Operativi
EAI - Economia Applicata all’Ingegneria
EE - Elettronica e Elettrotecnica
BD - Basi di Dati
AI - Artificial Intelligence
SC - Soft Computing
CI - Computing Infrastrutures
ACA - Advanced Computer Architecture
TCS - Theoretical Computer Science
DB2 - Databases 2
NLP - Natural Language Processing
FLC - Formal Languages and Compilers
AAMAS - Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
CG - Computer Graphics
DM - Data Mining
BIS2 - Business Information Systems 2
ML - Machine Learning